Friday 21 May 2021

MH - Suited and sleeping on stage

 MH - Suited and sleeping on stage

NOTE - As ever, if you do happen to track this person down, please don't creep him out by asking about hypnosis. demanding he lets you hypnotise him or otherwise behaving online in a way which would be seen as intensely creepy in person.

Watch as this cute lad finds himself a bit overdressed for winding up on stage at a hypnosis show, ensnared by the hypnotists' words and compelled to perform.

First up he and all the other subjects are pulled out of their seats and set to dancing by the music they are programmed to respond to.

I think there is a nice contrast between the formality of his dress and his more sensual dancing

Look at how lost in the suggestion he is

He certainly has an area he likes to focus on a fair bit in his dancing

When the music stops he stops, the hypnotic programming in his brain suddenly ending

Prior to the start of all the suggestions, during the re-inductions when the hypnotist gets the names of all his subjects he chatted briefly with our handsome lad. He found out that it is the guy's birthday and his friends had pressured him into coming to the fair all dressed up, which was now quite embarrassing for him up on stage.

He's quite confused as to why he is actually up on the stage and from his perspective seemed to have appeared mid-dance

He responds equally well to the different commands from the hypnotist controlling his emotions and creating vivid hallucinations in his mind he responds to as the mesmerist wills.

He immediately switches off when the hypnotist taps his newly installed off switch, even as he struggles to explain why he was lost in hysterical laughter only seconds earlier.

Speaking of hallucinations, clearly our cute subject doesn't have control of his own senses any more and so all the hypnotist has to do is tell our bedazzled lad he (the hypnotist) is naked and he will appear to be so.

If you've rented a suit I guess you'd probably not want a naked (to your dominated mind) guy sitting on it

Purely mental manipulation is a nice demonstration of hypnotic control, whether playing with our lad's emotions or altering his perceptions of reality. But on a stage and for an audience there is always a need for some some physical demonstrations of your power over the minds of your subjects.
Interesting to see his bashfulness disappear completely

Wouldn't you like to have a thrall like this to liven up a party?

If he had any awareness of what he was doing and what was going on he might even be appreciative of the hypnotist

He certainly seems to be completely consumed by the hypnosis, as can be seen in both his blankly happy dancing...

...and in how thoroughly befuddled he is once the music driving him stops

Even with someone else having complete control over his mind, our entranced lad is starting to twig to something being afoot; and he might not be fully aware of everything he is doing. He is starting to suspect he might be hypnotised.

Not that a growing suspicion offers any help in resisting the overriding urge to sleep

His being very suggestible can also be seen in how vigorously he responds to a suggestion which sees him and the other guys dancing in a way they might not do without some guiding mesmeric compulsion.

Eager to obey

Consumed by the implanted need to dance and entice the audience

He sees not strangers hypnotised with him but his fellow dancers, he makes sure to watch them and incorporate their moves into his own

Once again, his confusion when the music stops demonstrates how utterly lost in the suggestion he was

This time he seems a bit out of breath, his body and mind both being driven to perform without stopping. Fortunately, like a machine he can be switched off and left to rest for a time.

Aside from dancing the hypnotist decides to show his control over the mind and bodies of his subjects, including our obedient lad, with some uncontrollable repetitive actions.

Look how dumbly happy he is

Though he is going to learn it might not be the best thing to refuse to share with the person manipulating your mind

Knowing how much control over the hypnotised lad he has, the hypnotist decides to up the ante a bit and really show what people can do once they become programmable drones.

A tap on the head is all it takes to temporarily return his body to his control

Completely unable to stop himself

A writing, helpless puppet

Giving our brainwashed lad a break the hypnotist still controls him and prevents him from speaking or even closing his mouth

In his outfit he really looks like some kind of robotic waiter going haywire - which in a metaphorical sense hypnosis has gone some way to actually making him.

The show doesn't end just because the subjects have left the stage. Our lad was embarrassed to be on stage all dressed up, confused when he had moments of awareness between trance and triggered behaviour and probably very happy to be back in his seat out of sight. But he was clearly so suggestible that the hypnotist was able to plant compulsions deep into his open mind during the time on stage; so with a word from the hypnotist our lad is once again the centre of attention.

Up he gets, helplessly yelling out as his programming directs him

Again his hypnotised mind appears to have a particular focus, even if his conscious mind would be ashamed of it

When he returns to awareness it is clear he didn't have any ability to stop what he was doing; clearly he was totally lost in the suggestion. The hypnotist could probably have made quite a few changes to our lad without any resistance.

Wrapping up the show, the hypnotist starts up some music and suddenly his male subjects realise they need to get up on stage and start to dance.

Look at him relishing the chance to get out of his clothes

Obviously he has some inherent desire to make a spectacle and show off for an audience

Being hypnotised and controlled frees him from any reluctance he might have felt

The downside of course of wearing a suit for our subject means that he hasn't even managed to start getting his shirt off before someone else gets to the point where this SFW fair strip has to end. You can see our subject is confused about how he has ended up on stage once again and points to the other subjects who are shirtless; not even noticing yet he is missing some of the components of his outfit.

Perhaps you'd have a suited servant like this at a hypnotic party, or simply catering to your whims at home? Maybe you'd come across a suggestible mind like this and guide them into your service? Maybe you'd really help our subject explore his urge to submit and obey, freed from conscious awareness or shame by quietening his mind?

Or perhaps you'd like to be like this lad, dressed up and switched off? Only thinking what you're told to think, completely free to perform and succumb under hypnotic ministrations...

All images and videos were taken from, or made from, publicly accessible sources - though not always from certain locations. I will not be identifying the subject any more than is a consequence of making this post.