Thursday 13 August 2020

MH - Repeat fair subject

MH - Repeat fair subject

When you get hypnotised 3 years in a row at the fair, it can have a cumulative effect on your mind.

Suggestible lad Anthony clearly enjoys the break from awareness and conscious control he can get with hypnosis. Ending up on stage three years going (maybe more as well, I don't have any earlier shows) means he doesn't need to think about the fact the skits are the same each year; or worry thinking about anything at all really.


In potentially his first experience, Anthony gets put through his hypnotic paces.

Down he goes...

Helplessly receiving the hypnotic compulsion before passing it on...

Completely lost to his implanted orders...

Of course, the show has to end at some point...

But not without a bit of final fun from our suggestible sudden stripper.

Released from trance after his performance, maybe a desire to taste mindless obedience again in the guise of some light entertainment could bring him back?


Returning one year later, Antony grabs his chance to get hypnotised again. Maybe the memories from last year are hazy, completely lost to him or foremost in his mind leading him up on stage...

Once again, after the enthralling words it takes a simple tap on the head to switch off his free will...

Seems his mesmerised mind has a preferred musical instrument to play with mindless abandon...

Dancing enthusiastically, a performing puppet on strings of hypnosis...

Some suggestions can lead to very strong reactions from a suggestible subject like Anthony...

...but his mind is so controlled that a few words and a touch leave him a blank slate ready for more programming.

An idea for a more complex suggestion based on Anthony's reaction here, not an entranced slave or servant but a knight - bound by an iron code of chivalry and compulsion to serve you

Once again though, the show must end and Anthony must round out the performance by being drawn irresistibly from the audience by the overriding urge to dance and strip.

The mental grooves left by the prior experience of trance have only been worn deeper into his psyche with another chance to relax, to stop thinking and willingly accept mental control. Maybe he has been left with a hidden compulsion to volunteer each year; a perfect toy to enhance the performance for the hypnotist?


Anthony is back again in 2019, for relaxation, for a taste of mindless bliss, to amuse the audience or because buried in his mind is the absolute imperative to volunteer and be dominated.

I wonder if repeated trance over the years has left him more groggy when awakened from the state of blank, pliable comfort...

When the music plays, he dances, no thought to do otherwise...

The dance doesn't matter; only the immediate compliance...

No control over his own body any more...

As much free will as a toy...

Completely lost in entranced obedience and needing the hypnotist to release him from his compulsion so he may regain his seat...

Absolutely no control over his actions whatsoever any more...

When his 'playing' grows tiresome he can simply be powered down with no resistance...

I wonder if Anthony was so completely blank and mindless that he ended up drooling on himself a bit?

And as always, end the show by displaying the bodies and muscles under your control to the audience as they abandon family and friends to flex, pose and strip in response to implanted commands

Maybe Anthony will find himself on stage, mindless and docile for years to come?
Maybe you'd be sure to catch him in the audience and whisper your own words of compliance, obedience and thoughtlessness to him; watching as his face grows slack?
Maybe you'd like to join him on stage, year after year relishing the chance to surrender control and bask in the bliss of complete relaxation and freedom from choice?

Note - as it is possible someone might identify him, and given how some members of the community have no social skills or ability to communicate with someone without giving off obsessive and threatening vibes, I'll ask people not to harass anyone you think is the subject of this post.

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